Why use a travel agent?

Posted by Grace Doscher · Mar 27 · in

In this day and age, everyone wants to do it themselves. This includes booking travel, whether it is for business, vacation, or general tourism. There are so many sites that offer discount services, from plane tickets, to accommodation, to leisure activities. People try to cobble together the best deals on their entire trip from many different sources, in the hopes of coming up with the perfect solution.

Sadly, this approach does not always work out. Priceline and other sites will leave you high and dry if you book one of their itineraries with inadequate time between international connecting flights. If you choose one of their packages including the rental car, the hotel, and the flight, then your whole trip can go down the drain if you hit an unexpected delay and miss a connecting flight. It’s a huge risk, and one that can make all those so-called savings go away in an instant if you are faced with cancellation of non-refundable services.

That’s why for the serious traveler, it is still best to go with an experienced travel agent. They are professionals with all of the knowledge and tools at their fingertips to make your trip a success. They even have the inside scoop on some even deeper discounts that you may not know about. Travel agents have a bottomless bag of tips and tricks to help you navigate even the most remote and exotic destinations. Put your trust in a professional travel agent.

When you are booking for a group, it is always wise to let a travel agent handle everything. This way, in the case of alterations or unexpected changes, the travel agent can handle all the details fluidly and seamlessly, without you risking a huge mistake that may separate your group and ruin the trip for everyone. This is especially true for business travelers, wedding parties, and family reunions. If you live in Atlanta, then Atlanta travel agencies are your best bet to contact for planning your trip.

If you and your loved one are traveling out of Atlanta on a romantic trip, and you don’t know where to go; then a travel agent in Atlanta who specializes in romantic trips would be able to help you with all of the most popular spots and vacation packages available for lovers. There are countless secret getaways designed especially for you and your significant other; but you would never discover them on your own without the professional guidance a travel agent.

International trips are especially tricky, as mentioned before.  They take careful planning. The cost of an international trip can be reduced dramatically by a ”planned trip” travel agent in Atlanta. Planned trip means that all airport taxes and fees are disclosed, all visa requirements are pre-qualified, all connecting flights with their airport particulars are known, and every last detail and potential for difficulty is ironed out before you ever get on that plane or cruise ship.  It just makes good sense to let someone who has been doing it for years do it for you.

Contact one of the many professional Atlanta travel agencies today!

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